Friday, February 22, 2013

The Most Important Seven Benefits of Okra

The most important seven benefits of Okra:

1) Calories:
Like other vegetables, okra is relatively very low in calories, where okra it provides about 30 to 25 calories in a half cup of cooked okra and 33 calories per cup of raw okra. It is worth mentioning that the calorie level the okra rise significantly when fried, because if you add one tablespoon of oil the calories will rise to 90 calories!! From this standpoint, it is important to avoid frying okra.

2) Constipation:
Okra fiber helps to re-absorb water in the intestine, which prevents constipation and gas and bulges. Unlike durum wheat bran, this can irritate the bowel.

Full benefits of okra - the benefits of whole okra

3) Cholesterol:
Okra fibers linking excess cholesterol and metabolic toxins and excess bile to be disposed of with waste body through the exit.

4) Intestinal health:
Okra facilitates the spread of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which constitute the first line of defense in the body against bacteria, as well as the bacteria proboscis food.

5) For the colon:
Studies indicate that okra consumption is linked to a decrease in the risk of colon cancer.

6) Minerals
Okra is also a good source of many minerals such as calcium, manganese, potassium and magnesium.

7) Vitamins:
Okra contain vitamin [a] necessary to see and mucous membranes and skin health, vitamin [c] is necessary to form collagen compound and strengthen the immune system and resistance to infections, as well as folic acid. The consumption of foods rich in folic acid, especially during the pre-pregnancy period, helping to reduce the risk of a particular type of congenital malformations of the fetus. In addition, okra contains vitamins B and also good amounts of vitamin C.

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